Con Air A comedy masquerading as an action movie and a really good one at that! Halfway through, Nickolas Cage turns to his friend, Baby-O and delivers the hauntingly funny line:
"They somehow managed to get every creep and freak in the universe on this one plane, and then somehow managed to let them take it over and then somehow managed to stick us right smack in the middle."But better still is the exchance in which John Malkovich's Cyrus the Virus threatens the pilot. "Without me, you've got nobody to fly the plane," the pilot triumps. Malkovich turns to him, smiles big time and says: "I never think that far ahead."
And even better still is the scene in which Steve Buscemi's Garland turns to Poe and says:
"Define irony. A bunch of idiots dancing on a plane to a song made famous by a band who died in a plane crash."That just haunts you for days.
Action in a nutshell: Cameron Poe(Nick Cage) a US Marshall kills a man in a drunken brawl and goes to jail for 10 years. He's paroled after 8 and catches a ride on the "Jail Bird" a plane that flies only hardened criminals to other prisons. On this flight, however, something goes wrong!
Cyrus the Virus(John Malkovich) and a few of his closest friends deside to take over the plane to free themselves and Colombian drug lord Cindino(Jesse Borrego). Cyrus, being such a genius as he is, is the leader of the operation he's made all the plans, and it all goes relatively smoothly until Poe decides to interfere. Everything goes wrong for the criminals from the point they land at Lerner's Field where a plane is supposed to be waiting for them, but there isn't one there. Poe helps the Law, and he prevails.
Lesson to be learned: Crime doesn't pay, and honesty is always the best way.
But John Malkovich does play his best villain ever in this movie! His Cyrus is evil to the teeth, and human as well. I think the best thing about Cyrus is that he doesn't hide what he feels. When he feels admiration for Poe, it's as visible to Poe as it is to the audience. Malkovich plays this role with the same mixture of laid-back arrogance and high-pitch concentration that always makes his charachters seem real to us, the audience. I didn't doubt Cyrus for one moment, didn't doubt his humanity. At all.
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